Our next meeting will be our Annual General Meeting
The meeting will be on the 12th Nov at 7.30pm at the White Rock Hotel
This month is the AGM and we need everybody’s support
It is our once a year opportunity to spend a bit of time thinking about how we as a group, want to develop next year. and we welcome all contributions and anybody who would like to become an officer of the group to help us organise ourselves next year will be especially welcome.
We are also looking for 10 suggestions for topics and debates for next year
The provisional agenda is below, but if anybody wants to add items, please let me know.
1. Apologies for Absence. Minutes of 2014 AGM (if any).
2. Reports by Office-holders, including Secretary and Treasurer, on the year's events.
Progress and problems.
See the Personnel page above for details of current postholders.
3. Discussion on the present organisation of the group.
a) Should the day of meeting be changed?
b) Do the rules for the annual subscription need clarifying?
c) Do we continue to Affiliate to the BHA or become Partners?
d) Any other issues
4. Election of Officers
5. Programme for 2016.
a) Ideas for subjects to discuss or speakers to invite.
b) Social events?
c) Debates?
d) Joint meetings?
6. AOB
Report of the Meeting.
There were nine members in attendance, two apologies for absence.
Alistair Robertson presented an account of his attendance at the BHA SACRE Reps meeting in London on Saturday 31 October.
Minutes of the 2014 AGM were agreed, and the reports of Secretary, Chair and Treasurer.
A minor change to the subscription rules was agreed. The £6 annual subscription will include the £3 for the first meeting attended.
The Secretary, Chair, Vice-Chair and Treasurer are reelected.
Julienne Attwood continues on the committee as Social Secretary.
Alistair Robertson joins the committee as SACRE Representative.
Please let the Secretary know if you think other important points have been missed.