Tuesday, 26 February 2013

A Discussion on Dignity in Death

Our next meeting on the 14th March at the normal time of 7.00pm at the White Rock

The subject is : Dignity in Death

Death is the one common experience that we cannot avoid and which perhaps defines our humanity. It can be hard to give up the instinct that comes from a lifetime of struggle to survive and accept the inevitable when it arrives.

My personal position is that while death holds absolutely no fear, the process of dying is one that fills me with dread. I therefore advocate that

“Where possible it should be our inalienable right to choose a death that is dignified, at a time of our choosing, and is both certain and painless”

This is a subject in which many of our members have strong views.

I will introduce it, but will then ask members of the audience to share their experiences of death and dying with the rest of the group. We want to hear both the good and bad experiences.

The debate that follows will, I am sure, be as intense as always – but duly mindful of the sensitivity of the issues being discussed.

Best Regards
Stephen Milton


As promised at the meeting, here are a couple of websites of relevant organisations.

(the govt body aimed at getting people planning their end of life arrangements)

A pro assisted dying group with a fair amount of info on their site.


  1. Graham Martin-Royle10 March 2013 at 15:32

    The latest jesus&mo cartoon address's this and possible christian objections.


  2. Graham Martin-Royle14 March 2013 at 09:43

    Damn, work gets in the way yet again and I'll have to miss this.
