Monday, 24 June 2013

Thomas Paine at Conway Hall

This one-man performance by Ian Ruskin at Conway Hall on 7 July looks as though it could be good:

To Begin the World Over Again: The Life of Thomas Paine

This series of seven short videos by Ian Ruskin about Thomas Paine is well worth watching:

If you don't know much about Tom Paine and his ideas, you could try my short biography of him:
which has links to other sites where you can read his actual words.

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Hastings Humanists and Skeptics?

First a reminder that our next meeting on Thursday 13 June is an "Any Questions" style debate.

One of the panellists will be Simon Clare of the South East Skeptics Society who are organising a Skeptics Road Show throughout Kent and now extending to Hastings on 26 September. He is also known as the Atheist Street Preacher! It is proposed by our Secretary, George Jelliss, that Hastings Humanists get together with SESS to organise regular Skeptics in the Pub style meetings, perhaps in alternate months with specifically Humanist meetings. This will need to be discussed among our members, and put to a motion at the AGM in November, but it would probably be better to combine forces rather than have a competing Hastings Skeptics organisation. Input from members on these developments would be appreciated.