Monday, 24 June 2013

Thomas Paine at Conway Hall

This one-man performance by Ian Ruskin at Conway Hall on 7 July looks as though it could be good:

To Begin the World Over Again: The Life of Thomas Paine

This series of seven short videos by Ian Ruskin about Thomas Paine is well worth watching:

If you don't know much about Tom Paine and his ideas, you could try my short biography of him:
which has links to other sites where you can read his actual words.


  1. I have friends in Los Angeles who saw Ruskin's plays many times in the last month. They just couldn't get enough of this incredible actor and his thoughtful portrayal of Thomas Paine. They watched the video links above and shared that in the past year and a half since these were filmed Ruskin's portrayal has grown considerably. Can't wait to go HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

    Ruskin is from London originally attended RADA and currently lives in California.

  2. I too have heard of this play from friends in the States who give it rave reviews-calling it timely history. I look forward to attending this performance.
