Thursday, 4 January 2018

Our future with artificial Intelligence and robotics

Our future with artificial Intelligence and robotics
Next Thursday the 11th Jan 2018 from 7.30pm to 9.30pm at the White Rock Hotel

It seems appropriate that as we enter a new year, that we think about some of the great challenges to the way we will organise society in the future.
Our accelerating ability to offload the routine and humdrum (and the vitally important) onto machines that will do it better and cheaper than humans can, will have an impact on everybody. It is the classic middle class jobs that seem most at risk from the industrial revolution 2.0 and it is hard to know what to advise young people to specialise in, as they contemplate the next 50 years of their lives.

The impact of developments in AI and robotics will change the world of work at an exponential rate. But whether this is a boon that improves the lives of everyone, or a disaster that creates an even more unequal society of ‘haves’ and ‘have nothings’, is a matter of political choice. It will pit our great human capacity for collaboration and co-operation, against the equally powerful tendency for group think and competition.

We are approaching a tipping point in which individuals can make a difference, but nobody has a clear view of the questions, never mind being able to construct answers….plenty of room for debate on all the vital issues.

Happy 2018

Future subjects
·         February – Do Humanists need Police? (Mick and Mike)
·         March – The hidden life of Trees (Nick and Liz)
·         April – Global Population issues (Alistair)

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