Monday, 9 April 2018

Population Impact
Thursday the 12th April 2018 from 7.30pm to 9.30pm at the White Rock Hotel
(Alistair Robertson)

In 1798 Malthus predicted that we would not be able to survive the exponential grow in human populations: So far we have always managed to dodge the bullet….
  • The population of the world today (best estimate) is 7,610,975,900, but by the time we meet in a few days’ time, it will have grown by about another 2,500,000.
  • On the other hand the population growth rate has dropped from 2% pa to 1.1% pa and the rate of growth is declining as the population age distribution passes peek child bearing age. So peak population is trending towards a maximum of 10 bn.
  • But global warming is making it harder to grow the food we need and other resources are being depleted.
  • And over half the world now lives in an urban environment
  • and there is no doubt that we are degrading our environment by share force of a human population that is also driving another mass extinction event of all other species.

Population is at the heart of so many issues that this evening’s discussion is bound to be interesting and contentious. Do you think we should limit human global population, and if so, at what level and how?

Hastings Humanists are having a discussion on Population and the effect on the individual, our immediate environment and the World as a whole.
                What is the trend for population growth locally and in the World.
                What are the demands on resources and the consequent effects of this growth.
                What is the World doing about population.
                Is there an upper limit on population that we can predict and sustain.
The talk will use some statistics but is very much geared towards the effect on us of Population trends. Come along as this is a discussion where your own views and opinions will contribute to a lively and enjoyable event.

Thank you

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