Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Battle of Britain Celebrations

Since I was born in 1940 and lived for the first five years of my life in South East London, the big event for me over the weekend was not the Pope's visit but the anniversary of the Battle of Britain and the Blitz. There has been some quite extensive and good coverage of this 70th anniversary. I even watched the broadcast of most of the service from Westminster Abbey, but had to turn off part when the theological intrusions got too nauseating, turning it on again to see the parade and the fly-past by a Hurricane and Spitfire and four Tornados. The main photo in the press was of heads turning up to see the planes go by. As a humanist I regard the stand that Britain took against the fascist madness as indeed one of the finest periods in our history. I'm disappointed to see very little comment in the humanist columns on this subject.

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