Saturday, 8 August 2009

Our August Meetings

Our next meeting will be on Thursday 13 August at the White Rock Hotel as usual. The subject will be History of Humanism (Part 2), which will be mainly about 19th century developments including the Positivism of August Comte, the Rational Religion of Robert Owen, the Secularism of G. J. Holyoake and other topics.

Our August Newsletter is now available in PDF form and can be downloaded from this page on my website. I've also converted all the back issues into PDFs, just for the record. The printed version of the Newsletter will now be sent only to members who are not on email, or to those who request a printed copy.

There will also be a Social Meeting on 27 August. This will enable us to prepare for the AGM in September, at which we need to decide whether to put the Group on a more formal footing by properly electing officers such as Secretary, Treasurer and Chairperson, or just carry on in an informal manner.

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